Bingo Hall of Fame

Many Online bingo sites make use of the hall of fame to identify and honour their highest ranking players. A famous one is the Vics-Bingo Hall of Fame, featured on the site. The names on this hall of fame proudly bear memorial to all those who have received the greatest wins. As great as these accolades are, the names listed are only the online handles: “WizeAzzWyo” has the proud distinction of being at the top of the hall of fame, with an impressive progressive jackpot win of $4,310.43, but he or she remains anonymous.
If you are seeking the oldest hall of fame you might consider investigating Bingo Mania. This is well loved and respected as being perhaps the oldest and longest running bingo web site. It first went live in 1996, when it was a free site, putting up bingo games for no charge. Eventually of course, as the online gambling phenomenon took hold it metamorphosed into a professional business, where players could pay and win actual money. It has a venerable hall of fame, featuring a leaderboard of gamers stretching back many years.
The hall of fame at Bingo Mania only lists big winners. You have to have known a lot of luck to have your name listed on its hallowed board. Only those players who have been fortunate enough to have won $10,000 or more are displayed. The first user to grace its hall of fame was known as “Slowpoke,” who on the 30th of January 2003 won $10,000. The first gamer to cross the $20,000 boundary was “Buttbroke,” who amassed a jackpot of $21,225.95 on the 12th August 2005. The individual placed at the pinnacle of the leaderboard is “dekath30,” who on the 11th September 2009 won $135,626.12.
A nice feature of the Bingo Mania Leaderboard is the interviews it publishes of the winners. In this way the often bizarre sounding names are humanised. You can appreciate that a real person has won this money, not just a pseudonym on a screen. The winners also have their photos displayed, though their actual names will forever remain a mystery.
The most respected and established ranking site for bingo players must be on the appropriately named site. This rather official sounding site displays not only big winners from tournaments, but “Lifelong Bingo Players” as well. Many of those listed have photographs, a short biographical scotch, and details of their grand triumphs! Unlike many leaderboards on popular sites, which change their rankings every week or month, the bingohalloffame promises to keep big winners listed forever – and displays winners from as early as 2002.
The site lists its proud mandate, explaining that: “the Lifelong Hall of Fame pays tribute to those players who have loved and played bingo for decades and support their bingo community with friendship, communication and support.” It goes on to say that “Players such as Gee, who was a devoted fan of BINGOGALA, will hold their honorary places in our Hall of Fame forever.” So it seems with a little bingo Luck you have a real chance at gaining immortality!
The most comprehensive hall of fame sites do not only pay tribute to the successes of many remarkable players, but they also trace a testament of the history of the online games itself. Many of the sites listed will no longer be active, so it is nice that these arenas, where so many people came to play bingo and have fun, are also remembered.